IAU Symposium #312

I was one of the local organizers of the 312th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Star Clusters and Black Holes in Galaxies across Cosmic Time that took place at the National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing in summer 2014. While I didn’t choose this mouthful of a name for the conference, I designed the lovely poster and was chief editor of the conference proceedings (hardcover by Cambridge University Press, ISBN-13: 9781107078727).

The poster design was done in Inkscape mostly. I ended up liking the result but it was quite a hassle and I had to try to satisfy too many people in the committee, I will certainly think twice before volunteering for such a task again. The proceedings editing was done in Latex with a lot of Python scripting to administer the many proceedings papers and forming them into a single work.